1 – 31 July 2021
Click here to view the exhibition online
INSTANT highlights a range of images made by SSA members using lens-based media. The online exhibition includes figurative, abstract and landscape works primarily made using instant film, mixed-media and/or alternative processes in the production of “one-off” pieces. It has been curated by SSA Council members Sarah Kudirka and Alastair Cook, with invited artist Anne Brodie.
Works are available to purchase and are exclusively online.
Exhibiting Artists: David Aston | Alison Brewster | Anne Brodie | Chris Brook | Alastair Cook | Sara Cushley | Olive Dean | Nettie Edwards | Agnes Eperjesy | Csian Jemecel | Sarah Kudirka | Christopher Manning | Kit Martin | Sebastian Mary Tay | Katheryne Morrison | Lita Murphy | Valerie O’Regan | Mark Osborne | Alicja Rodzik | Jude Rowan | Sophie Stewart | Greg Thomas Bryce | Rebekah Tolley-Georgiou | Shona Wardrop | Sarah-Louise Wilson | Christine Wylie | Shi Yun Teo | Denise Zygadlo