Join SSA Council

Deadline: Wednesday 10 May 2023, 9am
The Society of Scottish Artists Council runs entirely on a voluntary basis. The Council is made up of the President, Vice Presidents, Professional, Artist, Honorary and Co-opted Graduate and Student Members who all give their time and individual skills and experience to the organisation.
This year we are looking for 1 x Professional Member and 2 x Artist Members to join the Council.
Being a part of the council is a hands-on and challenging role, it can be busy but is also enormously rewarding. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet and work with artists from across many disciplines and to understand the importance of the SSA both historically and creatively but also how we fit into the future of the wider Scottish cultural landscape.
As a member of the council, you will be involved in promoting the Society, creating opportunities for fellow members through exhibitions and exchanges, fundraising, and producing our Annual Exhibition.
We are looking for people who have not served on council previously and have time, energy and ideas to bring to the Society and to its development.
Council members take up the role for 3 years after which they stand down. Members attend meetings approximately every 4-6 weeks as well as sitting on exhibition committees and subgroups. An additional time commitment is required for the development of projects and the organisation of the Annual Exhibition.
You can put your name forward by emailing with the following information:
- Subject header: SSA Council Nomination 2023
- Your name
- Up to 150 words about you, the skills and experience you can bring and why you would like to be part of the Council.
- A link to your website and/or your SSA web profile
Deadline: Wednesday 10 May 2023, 9am
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? The President and Council will consider nominations and if we receive more applications than the number of members required the SSA membership will be invited to vote on applications and the persons with the most votes will be offered the position.
We look forward to receiving your nomination.
Image: SSA 130 Years | Annual Exhibition 2022 (installation detail) © Julie Howden