SSA in Poland 2012
Grafika Polska – Big Print/Small Print
Wroclaw Academy of Fine Arts, Wroclaw, Poland
10th – 27th January, 2012
As part of the continuing cultural exchange between Scotland and Poland, Wroclaw Academy of Fine Arts recently hosted a very successful exhibition of work by printmakers from Scotland. This follows on from the acclaimed Grafika Polska shown as part of the SSA 2010 Open Exhibition at the Royal Scottish Academy in Edinburgh. This exhibition of prints from staff at Wroclaw Academy was one of the highlights of the show.
The exhibition in Wroclaw – Big Print/Small Print – contained a highly original and varied selection of prints and artists’ books by members of the SSA and staff from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design (DJCAD), University of Dundee.
Plans for this exhibition began in 2009 when Professor Jacek Szewczyk and Professor Chris Nowicki came to Scotland from Wroclaw for the opening of a show at DJCAD by staff of the Wroclaw print department. The show was organised by Professor Elaine Shemilt who at that time was President of the SSA. The DJCAD exhibition of prints sparked the idea of initiating an exchange programme between Scotland and Poland which in turn led to Grafika Polska being shown in Edinburgh. Following the success of the Polish prints at SSA 2010, Council members Nan Mulder, Leena Nammari, Norman McBeath and David Faithfull formed a sub-committee to organise the submission of work from SSA members and its dispatch to Poland for the Big Print/Small Print exhibition. Leena Nammari and David Faithfull travelled to Poland to help with the hanging of the exhibition and to represent the SSA at the opening.
These exhibitions held in Scotland and Poland have undoubtedly helped artists in both countries make new contacts, exchange ideas and enabled them to enrich their work as a result. Showcasing the inventive and adventurous spirit in contemporary Scottish Art has long been the main aim of the SSA since it was founded one hundred and twenty years ago and we will continue to initiate and nourish cultural links between Scotland and Poland and other countries.
Norman McBeath – Council Member
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Thank you to Piotr Gardecki for sending us these images of the Opening event.