For the attention of SSA members.
As we move forwards with plans to expand the scope of the SSA, including access to higher level funding, more exhibitions and member opportunities throughout the year across the country and internationally, the SSA President and Council have been looking at the necessary structural changes to better support this expanded vision for the future of the SSA.
Primarily we propose changing the SSA from an unincorporated charity to a SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation). We have instructed our legal advisers to draft the Constitution for the SCIO. The new Constitution is based on a typical SCIO format, which includes most of the elements of the current Constitution, but also identifies and proposes several amendments.
The most important amendments proposed by the new Constitution and a full copy of the proposed Constitution draft is available to all SSA members for comment, prior to approving the final Constitution.
The debate on the proposed amendments will be facilitated by means of an online vote by all SSA Members. The deadline to submit your votes is Friday 23 February, 5pm.
There will be an online Q&A session held on Wednesday 21 February at 6pm where the SSA President and Vice President will answer questions from members about the proposed constitutional changes.
Members are invited to register for the online Q&A session by Wednesday 21 February at 12 noon. Those unable to attend are welcome to submit questions by email in advance. A recording of the Q&A will be made available.
The SSA council would value your opinion on these amendments before we move forward with them.
The main Constitution amendments are listed below, together with our reasons for proposing these amendments.
The list below follows the paragraph numbering of the draft Constitution.
4. Name of Organisation
Change of name from “The Society of Scottish Artists (SSA)” to
“The Scottish Society of Artists (SSA)”.
confirms our pre-eminence as Scotland’s foremost artist-led arts organisation.
involves no change to our well-known acronym and logo;
reflects our legal status as a society constituted under Scottish law;
underlines our inclusiveness and openness to all artists, irrespective of nationality or place of origin;
signals a new chapter for the Society as it moves to become a SCIO.
41. Tenure of Office Bearers
Option 1: Tenure of 5 years
allows office bearers and the Council to adopt a longer-term perspective;
allows for following through larger projects to completion, and consolidating the SSA.
Office Bearers have the option to withdraw from the position before the end of the 5 years term if they wish;
less resources spent on recruiting Council members and office holders by SSA administration.
Option 2: Tenure of 3 years, extended by 2 years.
This alternative gives an exit opportunity to office bearers who do not wish to complete a 5 year tenure.
Ensures standardised continuity of current tenure post; recognition of particular current or developing skill sets that could continue serving on council for an additional 2 years if agreed by candidate; and enables inexperienced or new office bearers to be monitored at an efficient level with possibility of extension if agreed by individual.
- Online Voting Open: Friday 9 February, 5pm
- Online Voting Close: Friday 23 February 2024, 5pm.
- Online Q&A Session: Wednesday 21 February 6-7pm.
View the recording of the Q&A Session HERE>>
Any questions can be emailed to