Be Your Own Publicist

Find out how to get better press coverage and improve your social media presence in this informal Zoom meeting. Learn about the different types of media coverage, get practical advice on approaching different publications, and find out how to write and send a press release. We’ll also show you the best way to manage your social media presence, and turn it into an effective and free tool for publicity. This session will be run by SSA President Olivia Turner, who has worked on social media campaigns for organisations including the Royal Scottish Academy and Architecture Fringe, and SSA Vice-President Rhona Taylor, a former journalist who has worked for several national newspapers and magazines, and has also run a number of press and publicity campaigns.
Thursday 12 November, 6.30pm
Register for the webinar here >>
(Registration essential)
This programme of events is exclusively available to current Members of the Society of Scottish Artists. If you’re not yet a Member, you can join here >>