
17 June – 24 July 2022
The Society of Scottish Artists is delighted to announce our first physical exhibition of 2022, Unmute, in collaboration with Dunoon Burgh Hall, where we are showcasing a selection of work by SSA members in a wide range of mediums.
Over the last two years we have adapted and found new approaches for connection through alternative ways of communicating. Muting and unmuting chat has become the norm. Through this eclectic collection of work we are unmuting the voices of our members and encouraging new connections with visitors to Dunoon Burgh Hall. It has not always been easy but it is these connections that have helped us get through these strange times.
With the relaxing of rules we are really looking forward to welcoming people back into the gallery setting for this group exhibition.
We’re also pleased to add the exhibition to our online viewing room.
Click here to view the exhibition online
All artworks will be available to purchase.
Exhibitors: Marion Barron | Louise Black | Mhairi Braden | Iona Brown | Christy Burdock | Tom Cartmill | Samantha Cheevers | Kyra Clegg | Agnes Eperjesy | Adrian Gardner | Paul Holmes | Jane Hunter | Olivia Irvine | Pearl Kinnear | Rosie Lesso | Ruby Lord | Eoghann Mac Colla | Lynsey MacKenzie | Kit Martin | Martin Mckenna | Robyn Neild | Gemma Petrie | Sharon Quigley | Alexandra Roddan | Charlotte Roseberry | Sophie Stewart | Bill Taylor | Angela Taylor | Celestine Thomas | Olivia Turner | Luke Vinnicombe | Alasdair Wallace | Fenneke Wolters-Sinke | Denise Zygadlo
Private View:
Friday 17 June 2022, 6 – 7:30pm
Free | Booking essential | Book Here
Exhibition Dates:
17 June – 24 July 2022
Opening Times:
Wednesday to Sunday 10-4pm
Dunoon Burgh Halls | 195 Argyll St, Dunoon PA23 7DD