SSA Annual General Meeting 2022

The Presidents and Council warmly invite SSA Members to join them for the SSA Annual General Meeting on Sunday 20th March 2022.
Since you last joined us it has been an extremely busy year, and we have lots of news to share and plenty to review. We would like to encourage members to come along and contribute your thoughts and opinions on the ongoing development of this distinguished society.⠀
This year’s Presidents’ Address will give an overview of SSA activities over the past year and going forward. This will include information about future projects and exhibiting opportunities.
Due to the pandemic this year’s AGM will be held on Zoom as a live meeting. We aim to keep this to an hour but anticipate it could run over if there are a lot of questions at the end. Please send any questions to prior to the AGM.
The AGM will be recorded and available to view at a later date if you are unable to attend.
Sunday 20 March 2022, 11am – 12:30pm via Zoom
Please register here > REGISTER
Registration is essential
Please send apologies to
We look forward to your company,
Jamie McAteer and Olivia Turner, Presidents
Honorary President | Richard Demarco OBE
Honorary Vice-President | The Rt Hon Frank Ross, Councillor and Past Lord Provost of the City of Edinburgh
Presidents | Jamie McAteer and Olivia Turner
Vice President | Rhona Taylor
Independent Financial Examiner | Alexander Sloan, Chartered Accountants
Administrators | Cheryl Connell and Lindsay Howarth
Council | Su Grierson, Lindsey Hamilton, Sarah Kudirka, Gillian McFarland, Lindsay Perth, Jenny Pope, Duncan Robertson, Catherine Sargeant, Gillian Spanswick, Christine Wylie, David Faithfull (co-opted)
Honorary Treasurer | Rick Ballard⠀
The 127th AGM of the Society of Scottish Artists will be held via Zoom.
Sunday 20 March 2022, 11am
1 Apologies
2 Minutes of the AGM held on Sunday 21 January 2021
3 Matters arising
4 President’s Address
5 Constitution
6 Accounts
7 Election of Committee Members
8 Open Discussion
9 Any other competent business
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